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Congruency with the Past and Charting a New Future

Lonely Man Looking At A City Afar

What Congruency?

I've been thinking about this concept a lot as I hold myself true to promises I’ve made with myself in moments of great realization. I’m also noticing that I’m in unchartered decision-making territory with opportunities that have become so disconnected from the source energy that birthed them.

For example, I moved to Thailand in 2015 to teach English, rehabilitate my physical traumas, and learn about who I am as a brand new adult.

Each of these reasons has birthed amazing journeys in their own rights that have led me to move to San Francisco for my Masters of Teaching residency, become a dedicated meditator, yoga, and healer, and have also set in motion the 15 months of global vagabonding that started People of Purpose.

Unexpectedly this journey has led me to the love of my life who has become a center priority.

My Love or My Dreams?

At the same time our relationship has become the biggest obstacle preventing me from wholehearted digging into San Francisco and all the momentum that comes with establishing myself as a master teacher in a community in need of what I have to offer. 

Now that I have an immigration situation way beyond anything I’ve experienced, with a Thai girlfriend who is soon to be a fiancé. I have to make new decisions with a new paradigm that may involve sacrificing or delaying some of the past commitments I have vowed to myself.

I’m wondering is it worth it to leave a US community again to leap towards a great love and the unpredictable visa situation in Thailand?

The answer is a resounding yes. So here we go once again taking a leap into the unknown with the intention of expecting great things that I could’ve never expected. 

Despite all the decision-making and impulses to control the situation I’m resting in the thought that the sense of time should be God’s timing. I’m learning to be ready for anything and everything while nourishing the things that I am working so hard towards.

May your present relationships, learning, and commitment to your path be blessed by your past and graced for a fantastic future! 

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