Written by Tanur Badgley (PoP’s Creator & Host)
*** This blog post is sponsored by BetterHelp, but all opinions are my own. ***
Hello, just had my first counseling session with BetterHelp, our new affiliate, and it was awesome!
I got to speak with my counselor, Colleen, who is a marriage and family therapist for 25 years and she is licensed in the state of California.
We got to talk all about my relationships and my professional development and just kind of have a thought partner to think through where I'm going in life and how to manage the responsibilities I have with myself and now taking on a fiance and wife in the near future.
I mean it was just really awesome and lovely to be doing so right here while I'm in Chicago visiting some really good friends, a couple of older ladies here and yeah, I just really encourage you to give it a shot for yourself. If you are in need of some counseling, which I feel like all of us can benefit significantly from counseling. This is a great site. I mean, it's really, really easy. You fill in all these details about what's important to you right now, what's a priority and what's not so much. Then you give some descriptions and about to your bio and kind of what brings you here and they'll match you with the right person in your state that's fully licensed and has three or more years of experience. It's super cheap compared to normal counseling, no overhead. And you can do it from anywhere.
So really encourage you to check it out at betterhelp.com/peopleofpurpose Thank you!
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